“You going to want a bacon egg and cheese for breakfast” Growing up this meant get the hell up and start your day. Not a bad way to begin your day huh? Luckily for me everyday started off pretty much the same. My mother would creep through my intentionally blocked door to wake me up for the day (alarms were not my friend) and ask if I would like a BEC for breakfast. Please don’t think I had one every day because I really only said yes around 3-4 times per week. This pleasant wake up call is what created my obsession and love for bacon egg and cheese sandwiches and breakfast sandwiches alike. Wether it be 7:00 AM or 600PM there is nothing better than a piping hot BEC. This convenient sandwich is easy to make, allows for creativity and tastes unbelievable. Easy in a pinch or awesome with some extra time the BEC is in a category of it’s own. Just like the mighty BEC I too struggle to be served all day. I try hard but cannot seem to find exactly what I am looking for exactly when I want it. Sometimes I want to read a recipe...other times a news article...and sometimes even the occasional random story of stranger I admire. Unlike a certain fast food chain who for some reason will not serve me breakfast all fucking day I want to make this information and creativity available to those who wish to seek it out. It will be here at BEC that anyone can truly find out how good or bad the breakfast life can be. BEC will provide extensive and truthful BEC reviews of restaurants, hotels, and third party BEC amateurs who attempt to create a successful breakfast. Through Bacon egg and cheese I would like to bring people what they want all day long, no questions asked. And best of all free of charge, no lines, and you can still leave with a full feeling of knowledge, experience, and frame of mind. Just like the mighty BEC this series of stories, recipes, ideas, and creativity is meant for everyone to enjoy ALL day long. Through our ideas, art, stories, and memories we hope to serve you a complete inspirational buffet. Let your creative juices flow through the sounds of BEC. Let yourself become entranced in our stories from the griddle. And get lost in the images that have become the sizzling bacon spit of our lives. Welcome to BEC !!
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