Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Light and easy BEC Dinner provided by Boston Organics !!

Even the most faithful Bacon Egg and Cheese connoisseur has to offer up their senses to other decadent delights.  One of which being a crisp BEC Buffalo Chicken salad.  These luscious garden veggies were brought to us by Boston Organics.  For any of you in the Boston area who have yet to experience Boston Organics please do yourself a favor and check them out at http://www.bostonorganics.com  Each week when I receive my fresh order I remember why I continue to use their service.  Always fresh, local, organic, and down right delicious !!  BEC Buffalo Chicken Salad:  Crisp washed lettuce, Sliced celery, Sliced tomatoes, Blue cheese crumbles, Blue cheese dressing, Franks red hot sauce, Buffalo Chicken (thin sliced).  For the vegetarian out there just replace the sliced chicken with a nice veggie patty with a little extra Franks Red Hot.  After a full day of experimenting with breakfast ideas and reviewing the finest breakfast around this is a great way to end your day...... On a very healthy, refreshing, and light note.  ENJOY !!

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